Ïóòü Îäèññåÿ

Èíôîðìàöèÿ î ïîëüçîâàòåëå

Ïðèâåò, Ãîñòü! Âîéäèòå èëè çàðåãèñòðèðóéòåñü.

Âû çäåñü » Ïóòü Îäèññåÿ » Ýçîòåðèêà êèíåìàòîãðàôà » Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà

Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà

Ñîîáùåíèé 31 ñòðàíèöà 47 èç 47


Ulis íàïèñàë(à):

Òóò åùå ïðåäëàãàþò ñîçäàòü êîìïüþòåðíóþ èãðó è ìóëüòôèëüì. Íî ìíå íå èçâåñòíû ëþäè, êîòîðûå ýòèì çàíèìàþòñÿ...

Åñëè ðàáîòàòü âñåì ôîðóìîì, òî èãðó â ñòèëå ìèñòè÷åñêîãî êâåñòà ìîæíî ñâàðàãíèòü ãîäèêà çà òðè, èñïîëüçóÿ áåñïëàòíûå ïðîãðàììû.

Blender äëÿ 3D àíèìàöèé, ëþäåé.

Èãðû ñäåëàííûå íà èãðîâîì äâèæêå Wintermute.

Ðàáîòàëè äâà ÷åëîâåêà

Îíè æå ñêîðî âûïóñòÿò èãðó J.U.L.I.A.

Ñäåëàë ÎÄÈÍ ÷åëîâåê


Arachnoidagenda íàïèñàë(à):

Åñëè ðàáîòàòü âñåì ôîðóìîì, òî èãðó â ñòèëå ìèñòè÷åñêîãî êâåñòà ìîæíî ñâàðàãíèòü ãîäèêà çà òðè, èñïîëüçóÿ áåñïëàòíûå ïðîãðàììû.



Åñòü ïóòü ïðîùå: èñòîðèÿ â êàðòèíêàõ. Â ßïîíèè ýòî íàçûâàþò ñëîâîì "ìàíãà", íåêîòîðûå ïóòàþò ñ êîìèêñàìè, íî ýòî ñîâåðøåííî ðàçíûå âåùè. Æàëêî òîëüêî ÷òî çâóêè òàêèì îáðàçîì íå ïåðåäàòü...


Ulis íàïèñàë(à):

Òåïåðü ïîÿñíþ, êàê Ãèïåðáîðåÿ ðàçäåëèëàñü íà Áåëóþ è ×åðíóþ

Ulis, ýòî õîðîøî áû âêëþ÷èòü â ñöåíàðèé "Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà". È òâîå îïèñàíèå, êàê Ìåäóçà ðîñëà íà ñâîåé ïëàíåòå, è ïðåäûñòîðèþ Àðàõíîèäîâ. Ýòî äîëæåí áûòü ãðàíäèîçíûé ñöåíàðèé... â íåñêîëüêèõ ÷àñòÿõ... Òðèëîãèÿ Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà...

Îòðåäàêòèðîâàíî Nagual.men (2011-09-20 22:43:51)


Nagual.men, â èäåàëå íå òðèëîãèÿ äàæå à öåëûõ 5 ñåçîíîâ ñåðèàëà. Ïî ñåçîíó íà Ìàõàþãó. Ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 5-ûé ñåçîí áóäåò ïîñâÿùåí ñîáûòèÿì ïðîèçîøåäøèì â Àçèàòèäó.


Nagual.men íàïèñàë(à):

Ýòî äîëæåí áûòü ãðàíäèîçíûé ñöåíàðèé

 îáùåì åñëè ãîâîðèòü ïî ñèìîðîíîâñêè: Ìîòîð! Êàìåðà!...

Îòðåäàêòèðîâàíî Nagual.men (2011-09-20 22:53:50)


Ulis íàïèñàë(à):

Òóò åùå ïðåäëàãàþò ñîçäàòü êîìïüþòåðíóþ èãðó è ìóëüòôèëüì. Íî ìíå íå èçâåñòíû ëþäè, êîòîðûå ýòèì çàíèìàþòñÿ...

Åñòü ïðèìåð ñåðèè èãð, êîòîðóþ ïîçèöèîíèðóþò êàê èíòåðàêòèâíîå êèíî. Íàçûâàåòñÿ Mass Effect.
 èíòåðíåòå åñòü ñäåëàííûé èç ìàòåðèàëîâ èãðû ôèëüì Mass Effect 1  è Mass Effect 2 ÷àñòü 1 è Mass Effect 2 ÷àñòü 2, ðàçìåùàþ ññûëêè äëÿ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ.
Êàñàåìî íåïîñðåäñòâåííî Çàâåùàíèÿ Ôèííà, åñëè äåëàòü â áëèæàéøèå ãîäû, âûñêàæóñü â ïîëüçó ôèëüìà, åãî áûñòðåå, äåøåâëå è ïðîùå ñäåëàòü.  äîëãîñðî÷íîé ïåðñïåêòèâå, ñîçäàíèå ñíà÷àëà ïîäîáíîé Mass Effect èãðîâîé âñåëåííîé (Ñîâðåìåííûå èãðû âåäóò ñòàòèñòèêó ïðîõîæäåíèÿ, ïîçâîëÿÿ îïðåäåëèòü êàê èãðîê ïî ñóòè ðåàãèðóåò íà òó èëè èíóþ èíôîðìàöèþ, êàêèå ðåøåíèÿ ïðèíèìàåò, êàêèå âîïðîñû çàäà¸ò, íó è îòñûëàåò (ïî æåëàíèþ) ðàçðàáîò÷èêàì. Íóæíà ëèøü èãðà è èíòåðíåò ñîåäèíåíèå.) ñî ñâîèìè ïîêëîííèêàìè îáúåäèíåííûìè îáùåé öåëüþ èçáàâëåíèÿ Çåìëè îò òâàðåé, à ïîòîì èñïîëüçóÿ ïîëó÷åííûé îïûò è íàêîïëåííóþ ñèëó âûïóñòèòü ôèëüì, êîòîðûé è óäàðèò ïî òâàðíûì ìàòðèöàì âñåé ìîùüþ. Âîïðîñ â òîì, åñòü ëè íà ýòî âðåìÿ?


 ýòî ïðîèçâåäåíèå íàäîòü áû Ìåäóçó âïëåñòè äëÿ ïîëíîòû êàðòèíû. Èëè òîò ñàìûé øëàíã èç êîòîðîãî Ìàòêà Àðàõíîèäîâ ïîïàäààåò â øàò¸ð è åñòü ùóïàëüöå Ìåäóçà?


Ulis, à íåáîëüøèå äîïîëíåíèÿ è èçìåíåíèÿ ïî ñöåíàðèþ ïðèíèìàþòñÿ? È åùå, âîïðîñ.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ òû ïðèäåðæèâàåøüñÿ òîãî æå ìíåíèÿ, ÷òî Àðàõíîèäû ýòî îãðîìíàÿ ñåòü, âûêà÷èâàþùàÿ Æèçíü èç òûñÿ÷ Ìèðîâ Ãàëàêòèêè?  Êàê äóìàåøü, ìîæíî ëè ñ âûñîêîé ñòåïåíüþ óâåðåííîñòè ãîâîðèòü, ÷òî äà, Àðàõíîèäû ýòî áåäà ìíîãèõ Ìèðîâ?

Îòðåäàêòèðîâàíî Nagual.men (2018-01-16 19:55:18)


Âñå äîïîëíåíèÿ ïðèíèìàþòñÿ, â ÷àñòíîñòè ñàì äîïîëíèë ñöåíàðèé èíòðîäóêöèåé... Äà Àðàõíîèäû - ýòî ãèãàíòñêàÿ ñåòü....


Ñòóäèÿ «Ëåíôèëüì» âîçðîæäàåòñÿ ñ íîâûìè è ñòàðûìè ïðîåêòàìè. 10.08.2013- http://www.kinopoisk.ru/news/2219229/

Íà ôåñòèâàëå «Îêíî â Åâðîïó» ñîñòîÿëàñü ïðåçåíòàöèÿ íîâûõ ïðîåêòîâ ñòóäèè «Ëåíôèëüì». Îäíà èç ñòàðåéøèõ êèíîñòóäèé âîçðîäèëà çàìîðîæåííûå ïðîåêòû «Êðûëüÿ» è «Äàð», ïîäïèñàëà ñîãëàøåíèå ñ íåìåöêîé êîìïàíèåé ARRI, à òàêæå ãîòîâèò ê çàïóñêó íîâûå êàðòèíû, ñðåäè êîòîðûõ ýêðàíèçàöèÿ «Êîíòðèáóöèè» Ëåîíèäà Þçåôîâè÷à è äðàìà î ïåðåâîä÷èêàõ Äæîéñà.

Êòî çíàåò, Ulis, âîçìîæíî èìåííî íà ËåíÔèëüìå ðåàëèçóåòñÿ â æèçíü êèíîïðîåêò Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà... È òàì ãäå íå õâàòèò íåîáõîäèìûõ äåêîðàöèé è ðåêâèçèòà äëÿ ñú¸ìîê, ïîìîæåò êîìïüþòåðíîå îáîðóäîâàíèå, ñïåöýôôåêòû. Äëÿ êîìïüþòåðîâ æå íå íóæíû áîëüøèå ïëîùàäè ïàâèëüîíîâ. Íàñêîëüêî ïîìíþ, Êýìåðîí ñíèìàë Àâàòàð âî ìíîãîì ñ ïîìîùüþ ñïåö. êîìïüþòåðíûõ òåõíîëîãèé.

Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà

Çàâåùàíèå Ôèííà


Äåòè, òâîð÷åñòâî, ñàìîâûðàæåíèå, îáùåíèå
Children, creativity, expression, communication


Êàðüåðà, ïðîôåññèîíàëüíàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü, âîçíàãðàæäåíèå
Career, Occupation, Compensation


Ãàðìîíèçèðóåì òå÷åíèå ýíåðãèè Öè...
Ýòó òåìó ìîæíî îòíåñòè ñðàçó ê äâóì àñïåêòàì, à òî÷íåå, îíà ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïåðåõîäíîé ìåæäó íèìè.  ïðîöåññå ñîçäàíèÿ ôèëüìà ðàñêðûâàþòñÿ ñïîñîáíîñòè è âçãëÿäû åãî ñîçäàòåëåé íà Ìèð, ðåæèññåðñêèå õîäû, ïîýòîìó ýòî àñïåêò òâîð÷åñòâà, ñàìîâûðàæåíèÿ.
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Àëåêñàíäð Ñåðãååâè÷ Ïóøêèí:

Âäðóã âèòÿçü âñïðÿíóë; âåùèé Ôèíí
Åãî çîâåò è îáíèìàåò:
«Ñóäüáà ñâåðøèëàñü, î ìîé ñûí!
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È òàì îíà òåáå ïðåäñòàíåò.
Âîçüìè çàâåòíîå êîëüöî,
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Íàñòàíåò ìèð, ïîãèáíåò çëîáà.
Äîñòîéíû ñ÷àñòüÿ áóäüòå îáà!


The Testament of  Finn or Finn's Legacy

Author - Orlov Igor Leonidovich (Îðëîâ Èãîðü Ëåîíèäîâè÷)
"Never betray a Mother, who has given birth to you."

Voice of the narrator :
"Affairs of bygone days, Cases of  ancient times”
The prologue

Naked, northern, stern edge, open spaces, hills, the sea, but everything is very beautiful, although wildly. We see the herd of sheep and a very young shepherd - it's Finn. He returns with the herd to the village. He is joyfully welcomed, the village is very simple, the people are simple but beautiful. There is also one who will become the White Queen in the future. She is young and fervent. She smiles at Finn. Blackout.
Next picture. Finn, already a little grown up on the Drakkar, along with other warriors swims into the sea. Among the soldiers, there is also one who will be the High Priest in the future. He  is young too. They land on the shore and attack the village. The battle. They win. They return home with prey. This is the city and people have changed a little - they are dressed richer, brighter. They meet the winners joyfully, they make a feast. Blackout.
Finn on the seashore, alone, sits and stares into the distance, beyond the horizon.
Next picture. Finn has been already the one whom we will see later, and the one who will later be the High Priest approaches the Cave, near which there are several Magi - men and women in white linen robes, with baculi, although the hair and beards are hoary, all the faces are snot old. They bowed to the Magi, and the Magi enters both in the cave and they are in a different dimension. When Finn entered there, he suddenly remained alone. Here everything is fluid and unsteady - nothing stands still, everything flows from one to another. Here all at once say something and whisper, all alive and reasonable. Finn, appeared in this place, almost perished, he was almost dragged out to Earth, he almost disappeared into the Water, he was nearly blown away by the Wind. But he sat down in Padmasana, braced himself, concentrated, and everything began to gradually stop, the chaos ceased, everything fell into place. He has stayed like this for many years. And now he stretches out his hand, and the water pours into the palm of his hand. He drinks. He can control the Wind, Fire, a wave of a finger to cause the swing of the forest as from the wind. But this is only the beginning.
Next picture - he sits in a cave and studies scrolls.

Next picture - to him as if in half asleep appears the beautiful Shamakhan Queen - she is in a half-light but looks very attractive. He looks at her with lust.
Next picture. Finn at night, in an open space under the starry sky, creates spells. His actions, secretly observes the one who will be the future High Priest. The spells begins to act, and from the obscure fog appears the Shamakhan Queen.  She approaches Finn, sweet music starts to play, rustles, whispers, she approaches, slightly dancing and swaying, hypnotically staring straight into Finn's eyes. He almost succumbed to hypnosis. She wraps her body around him, she is almost clinging to him for a kiss. But then Finn opened his eyes and saw through the shroud that he was embraced by a terrible old woman, who also had a few toes on her hands or paws! And she whispers to him in her uterine voice: "Come into my arms ... Oh dear, darling! I'm dying!”
Finn began to disengage from her embraces with horror, but each of his movements led to the fact that she tightened her grip, and her face became increasingly ruthless, cold, nothing expressing the look of the Predator. He saw this look face to face, he saw in the depths of her eyes the cosmic distances covered with cobwebs and billions of spiders, weaving this web all over the Universe. And billions of spiders, which bleeds dry their victims, which then become devastated like rotten leaves.

It was an instant vision, but it gave Finn strength from the last forces to strain and break out of the embrace, and he fled with a cry, leaving his shirt in her paws. She glared at him angrily and began to dissolve in the air. The last frame is the face of the future High Priest.
The End of the Prologue
The Primary action.
A simple, traditional song is heard somewhere. A woman sings.  A Mother milks a cow. The cow is Hathor. Mother is Bella. A boy about 7 years old sleeps. She brings milk and bread for him.  There is golden soft light everywhere. He wakes up. She hugs him. Arcane 21 The Universe.

“You’re such a grown-up, almost an adult. It is time for you to learn about the world” - she gives him a sack…”Here is for the road. Go to my sister, she will take you.”
They say goodbye.
Mother -
“Ñhummy will escort you.”
A dog like Husky obediently runs after the outgoing boy.
“Come back!”
He goes, she waves to him. He walks along the footpath for a long time. The dog catches up with him, and then runs forward, listening and sniffing. All movements from left to right like the movements of the sun. This is an incarnation in the esoteric sense. Arcane  22  - the Fool.

The boy with light-brown hair and blue eyes is dressed in the white linen.
He approaches a river. The river is slow as if it was made of oil. A boat floats on the river, like in this picture, but it is steered by a beautiful woman in white.
This is Ino.
She docks to the shore and offers the boy to sit in the boat. He sits down, the dog remains on the shore.  For some time they both look at each other. The dog sits down and observes. Then, having convinced that everything is good, the dog turns and runs back home.
The boat is in the middle of the rivers.
She does not speak to him, just smiles. He is a little bit shy, but he smiles at her too.
Ino -
“Do you want to row?” - She asked him in the middle of the river. He nods at the answer. She gives him an oar and moves from him.

He takes an oar and starts to row. At first, it is difficult for him to do so, but soon the boat is leveled and starts to go smoothly and powerfully. With every stroke, he feels flowing Force. They go to the other side of the shore. Arcane 1 Magician.
He lands on the shore and, looking back, says goodbye to Ino. She smiles and waves to him back. He passes through the gate – this is the Yoni. Arcane 2 Goddess of the Source.

He comes into this world. He is happily greeted, mostly by children and led to the Queen. Arcane 3 Empress.

This is White Arktida or Hyperborea.  They took him to the White Queen. She sits in the field. Children play around her.
The White Queen -
“What a comely boy. Let me look at you.” 
The White Queen – is Freya has a staff in her right hand, on the top of which is a rune of Life.
The White Queen is a light blond, blue-eyed woman is about 40-45 years old with soft facial features.
Clothes of children and adults are similar to ancient Greek clothes. Children wear short tunics; adults wear long, reaching to their toes ones. They swim naked in the river. Houses are also not Slavic, because Arktida is the native land of all Nordic people, that is why there should not be any typical Slavic style. Architecture is simple, beautiful and light.
He becomes a shepherd. Let’s name him Swan.
He lives there in spring and in summer. There is a constant pleasure, songs, dances, and Funny Games. People live in peace and friendship together with animals with deer, bears, foxes, hares. Weddings are celebrated directly in woods, in the fields. All description of White Arktida occupies about 5-7 minutes of screen time. Separate scenes replace each other through the short blackout.


Option. The inclusion of a pair of winter scenes, to show that it is Arktida.  Driving on a sled, a capture of a snow fortress, burning in winter, etc.

Swan plays the flute near the lake in the wood. He is 7 years old. A camera shoots a lake panorama and returns back to Swan, now he is about 14 years old.

He plays, and everything sings along with him. Suddenly he sees a Swan swimming on a smooth surface of the lake. It swims directly to the shore, slowly, but more closer and closer. Swan continues to play. The Swan has flown to the shore and has suddenly turns into the fine girl. Swan stops playing, approaches her and takes her hand, and looks into her face. She looks directly at his eyes, and they express only one thing – “You won't offend me?”

He hugs her, and she clung to his chest and from time to time glances at him with the same mute question. He takes her hand and they joyfully run through a wood to the village. He takes her to the White Queen, and she joyfully meets them. Everyone runs to them to look at the fine girl. And then the wedding ceremony begins. And when the White Queen has already put wreaths of flowers on their heads, and they were about to kiss … all this Paradise has ended. During this moment there is heard a howl, the war-call and the whole Horde of soldiers is appeared on a glade. Swan is also frightened. He sees how dark shaggy armed figures pour out on the field. He turns around and sees how his bride escapes and on the motion turns into the Swan and soars up into the sky. He watches her leaving. She disappears into the blue sky.
Kshatriyas warriors from the same tribe surround this world. Everybody is captured, the White Queen too. They set fire to the towers. The pogrom lasts 3-5 minutes of screen time. Everybode is taken. All this mayhem is led by the Junior Priest. The Junior Priest is years 25-30 years old. He dressed in brown and black ankle-length gown. He has a small beard, fanatic face and cruel and relentless eyes. All Soldiers, even young ones, have beards. Movements of soldiers and later of captives go from right to left – against the Sun.
Everybody comes to a courtyard of the Konung. Arcane 4 Emperor.

The White Queen enters a hall where the Konung sits on a throne. He is a 45 year old man, very strong, bearded, in armor, on shoulders – leather, a sword in a sheath. The large dog similar to a wolf sits ext to the throne.
He sits sprawled and cheekily looks at  The White Queen, who is standing in the middle of the hall. There are some soldiers who look at her frowned with distaste.  Behind the throne, on the left side, the Junior Priest stands, and from time to time he slightly tilts and whispers something to the Konung.
The White Queen angrily –
“How dare you, dog!”
The Konung –
“Shut up, witch, your power is over!”
The White Queen drew attention to the Junior Priest -
“Ah, so now you are supervised by eunuchs! I see now clear from where the rotten wind blows.”
The Junior Priest has lost his temper, and as if  justify in front of the warriors –
“You’re lying, witch, we are not eunuchs! We are monks, and woman's flesh is repulsive to us!”
The White Queen –
“And who has given birth to you, miserable, you have forgotten already?“
The  Junior Priest doesn't know what to answer and the Konung slightly stops him.
The Konung angrily  –
“I ordered you to stop doing magic, not to conduct seditious matters, not to wed anyone without my permission! And you continue! I ordered to stop worshiping the Sun and the Moon, the Wind, and you still do. I ordered you to give boys to the warriors and you don’t. I ordered you to cover nakedness in the baths and you still dont. I ordered you to bathe men and women separately! I ordered Maidens to sit in their houses and wait till they are chosen, and not to choose future husbands themselves!”
The White Queen –
“Madman! If the Maiden can't choose their future husbands as it was forever and ever, the people will decay and will degenerate! You want to destroy the most sacred thing!!”
The Konung –
“Nothing will be now as you wish, but as I do!”
The White Queen –
“Think again, Konung, you are in delusion on you! You have no idea what trouble you are bringing on yourself and other people.”
The Konung –
“To us, the power of your Mother is a burden!”
The White Queen –
“She is your mother too.”
The Konung –
"I renounce!"
The White Queen –
“Now listen! The one, who refuses the Mother who has given birth to him, is Life unworthy! That's what will be on your way -  you will lose your land, like tramps will wander all over the world, the native language will forget, you will fight with each other and spill rivers of blood, but there is more to come – your women will give birth to sick children and you will live with illnesses and sufferings and your Gods you will be Murderers and Cannibals whom you will feed with the souls! You all will defile the Earth, and it will rise against you, and you will disappear like…”
The Junior Priest loudly in the audience, provoking  –
“She puts a curse on us!”
The White Queen –
“You have cursed yourselves when you have betrayed your Mother!”
The Konung –
“Will anybody stop this witch?”
The Junior Priest has imperceptibly nodded to one of the soldiers. It is young, a 25 year soldier, with an impudent and unkind look. He went to the middle of the hall, took out a sword on the way, he approached the White Queen, and looked back around and grinned …
The White Queen to the Konung –
“You won't dare!.”
The soldier –
“Watch me.”
He beheads her. The Earth has shuddered.
Everyone is shaken, including the Konung. He has already turned white but quickly put himself up.
The head of the White Queen is wrapped in a leather bag and her body is taken away. Everything else continues as usual.
Someone shouts, pointing at the yard -
“And what to do with all these people? “
The Konung -
“Separate maids from guys. Send girls to work, and guys to barracks. We will quickly beat the female spirit out of them.”
The Junior Priest –
“Konung, the Supreme Priest wants to see you.”
The Konung -
“What does he want from me?”
The Junior Priest –
“It is urgent. Time is running out. You will find out everything there.”
The Konung, breathed deeply –
“Well, let’s go.”
He doesn’t want to meet with the Supreme Priest. The Junior Priest, the Konung, some soldiers take horses and go. All movements are again from the right to left. They reach the Tower.

All dismount. The Gate is opened and the Konung together with the Junior Priest who has a bag with a head of the White Queen, enter inside. The others remain outside. They appear in a gloomy hall which is shined with candles. Somewhere above there are still narrow windows of a loophole. In the middle of the hall, the Supreme Priest sits on the Throne. He is 55-60 years old man, with the severe face and a long beard, similar to Saruman. He wears a black and brown mantle, same as other Priests.
He holds a staff in his left hand, on top of which is the rune of “Death”. 

Around 20 monks stand near the throne.
The Konung and the Junior Priest stand now in front of a throne. Arcane 5 Hierophant.

The Konung approaches the Throne and shows the Supreme Priest the Head of the White Queen in a bag. The Supreme Priest, slightly having inclined ahead, cast a look and indifferently slightly waves his hand as saying to take it away.
The Supreme Priest –
“You have done everything correctly, Konung! Now I have one important thing with you.  Everybody, leave us alone!”
Monks obediently disappear through lateral doors.
The Supreme Priest –
“Come closer.”
The Konung approaches and, as though having sat down on one knee, from below looks upwards  The Supreme Priest.
The Supreme Priest –
“It is necessary for you to marry, Konung.”
The Konung -
“So, I have a wife and others …” –
The Supreme Priest –
“Leave them, why do you need those silly women? I have found for you the real Queen!”
The Konung -
“What kind of a Queen?“
The Konung asks with mistrust and suspicion.
The Supreme Priest –
“She has huge power, thousand kingdoms and  worlds are under her power.”
The Konung -
“Is not she from our world?
The Konung asks almost in horror.
The Supreme Priest – 
“Don’t be so afraid… You are a warrior!”
The Konung -
“Yes, but somehow it is still scary.”
The Supreme Priest – 
"You know how many enemies we have - in the West and in the South and in the East, and she will give us such Power, that we will raze all enemies with the ground!"
The Konung -
"Yes, we have a lot of enemies - the Konung thoughtfully answers, - Why did these wars begin? Where did these enemies come from? The first war started when you were a warrior,."
The Supreme Priest -
"Shut your mouth up, little you know."
The Konung -
"Insulting words you tell, Priest!"
The Supreme Priest – 
“Have you forgotten how you were a shaggy dog who was running in my courtyard and taking pieces from my hand?”
The Konung -
“How can we remember, it is you who has the best mind and best memory…” The Konung says apologizing.
The Supreme Priest -
“So listen to the Senior and don't contradict. I'll bend you like a horn of a ram..”
The Supreme Priest continues almost in a whisper -
“There is such Shamakhan Queen with dazzling beauty of a girl, tall, slim…if you become her husband, you will become a God, Immortal!”
The Konung –
“Why don’t you marry her and become Immortal God?”
The Supreme Priest -
“It is impossible for me. I cannot, I made a vow of monasticism.”
The Konung –
“I have some doubts…”
The Supreme Priest -
“Doubts? So we will find another! You know, how many people will be interested– only click! However, you will have to take off your Konungly crown.”
The Konung –
“It is fine … I agree … to become a God, you say?”
The Supreme Priest -
“And an Immortal.”
The Konung –
“When should I do it?”
The Supreme Priest –
The Konung has already turned pale…
“Now!?!” - The Konung agreed… - “Well, let’s do it…”
The Supreme Priest –
“We will go through the lower dark world (or  “dusk”).”
The Supreme Priest rising from the Throne and taking out a torch from a wall.
They come behind the throne to the left, there, in the depth of darkness – the low door. The Supreme Priest approaches it and knocks it with a bottom end of the staff and it opens.  The Supreme Priest  slopes and passes first, Konung followed him.
The door closes and they go down the steps in the long tunnel. The Supreme Priest is ahead, illuminating the path with a torch, the Konung with fear – behind him.
There is dead silence around. When came down, at first bats began to fly around which the Konung waved away with a sword, furthermore, in the dark on both sides of a low track, on which they are – slippery bodies, further  – intertwined snake bodies – a continuous carpet of swarming insects, and then even lower – generally incomprehensible, scary creatures with tentacles and suckers, slimy and disgusting.
They go down a long time, then begins the ascent up.  Then they find themselves in a sort of white mist, and suddenly such picture opens in front of them: 
And between mountains high appears,
The silky large marquee.

«Where are we?» -  the Konung asks frightenedly.
The Supreme Priest -
«In another world. Do what I say. Let’s go!”
They start to approach the tabernacle.
Suddenly the tent was thrown open… and the Shamakhan Queen, all shining like the dawn, quietly met the Konung. As the night before the sunbird, the Konung was silent, staring into her eyes…
The Supreme Priest -
The Supreme Priest sends the Konung and the Konung uncertainly starts to approach the Shamakhan Queen. The video camera is behind him – he is like a shade against bright light.
The Shamakhan Queen is of uncertain color, but not a brunette; she is bright, tall. She moves a little strange, she's a head taller than him, swaying, her smile is artificial, dressed in purple and black. On her  head – a diadem, on hands are bracelets.
Arcane 6 Enamored.

She puts him on the table with a reverence, pours a cup of wine, offers a variety of wonderful foreign dishes, but all in silence. The atmosphere is mysterious.
The Konung in a whisper -
“Why is she all the time silent?”
The Supreme Priest –
“ Probably she doesn’t know how to speak our language. Don’t be afraid!”
The Konung drinks some wine, tastes the dishes and relaxed looks around, everything starts singing, ringing, some delightful sounds; some mysterious rustles are carried…
The Konung becomes more cheerful, begins to look more safely at the Shamakhan Queen. The Supreme Priest stands nearby and eats nothing and doesn't drink. The Konung likes such disposition – he always bowed before the Supreme Priest, and now he stands beside him like a servant.
She beckones the Konung again - this time on a brocaded canopy bed. He sits down to her and she is near him. He is quite enchanted, intoxicated. The Magic music is heard. Everything in his eyes becomes floating.
He looks through a veil on her, she is already standing in front of him, and he feels that she gets new hands growing, but he drives away the delusion. She beckons him again and this time – to the throne, which stands in recess tent. She brings him to the throne and makes him sit on it.
He sits down and it seems to him like he is becoming “The Master of the Universe”. She slowly stands to the back of the throne and suddenly begins to turn into a giant spider. But the Konung does not see it, only the Supreme Priest does.
When she becomes half Woman, half Spider, she starts to twist the Konung with a web. He is terrified – he cannot move anymore!
The Konung -
“Priest! What is it? What’s wrong with me?”
The Supreme Priest -
“You are becoming the God, as I promised” -  the Supreme Priest answers him with a grin.
The Spider towers over him and stings his head and starts to drink the brain up.

The Konung gradually turns grey, his sight becomes glassy, but he does not die. Suddenly, from behind and rustle of the curtain, at the bottom of the tent, some more half-dead, semi-mechanical reptile appears, like an octopus with long black hoses and it starts to stick all charkas, on the body, on hands and feet, on the head.
As a result – the Konung is entangled in the black hose, the main one of which goes to the darkness behind the curtain tent. The hose out of the darkness begins to creep out the hordes of spider and begins to spin a web, very fast and gradually expanding its covering more space.
The Woman-spider turns again into the Shamakhan Queen. She pulls out from the depths of the Tent shiny conical hat, which is also behind the hose, leaving behind a curtain and mounts it on the head of motionless Konung. A bright star is burning brightly on his forehead.
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Here’s your the All-Seeing Eye, hubby.”
She says in a sepulchral voice. It is clear why she has so far remained silent. She speaks with a little accent.
The Shamakhan Queen-
“You did everything right, Priest, I will thank you. Have you got rid of that local floosy who impudently declared herself a goddess?”
The Supreme Priest -
“Of  her sister.”
The Shamakhan Queen threateningly -
“What? The job should be done, as ordered!”
The Supreme Priest -
“Forgive me.”
The Shamakhan Queen-
“I will forgive when you will subordinate to my power this entire little world.”
The Supreme Priest -
“We have little strengths and a lot of enemies.”
TheShamakhan Queen-
“I will give you the Force but it will be necessary to pay for it. Are you ready?”
The Supreme Priest -
The Shamakhan Queen -
“You will pay for it with human souls. Your human Souls are very nutritious!”
The Supreme Priest becomes grey and lowers his head -
“ I obey.”
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Here is my creation.”
She gives him a sack with some  roundels, each with red Pentagram.
Supreme Priest -
“What is it?”
TheShamakhan Queen -
“Seeds. You must sow these seeds in the womb of young virgins.  These seeds will grow up warriors, loyal to me and you and they will crush all your enemies. They, of course, not very brainy, but it is not necessary for soldiers to have a superior intelligence.”
The Supreme Priest -
“Thank you, the sovereign!”
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Go back and wait for instructions!”
They go outside and the Shamakhan Queen claps. There is a chariot harnessed by the Dragon. The Supreme Priest sits down in it, and the chariot shoots up and carries away to the left, into the fog. Arcane 7 Charioteer.

The Shamakhan Queen comes back to the Tent, carelessly passes by the Throne with the Konung, and pushes the curtain at the bottom and hiding there. There is silence. Only spiders quickly scurry over the hoses. Spiders are of a palm size.  The camera begins to pull off backwards, showing all system devices.
The shot outside of the Tent – the camera makes removal, you first see the throne and the Konung, then only the All-seeing Eye is visible, which sparkles from a triangular Tent, and in different directions with great speed the spider web begins to expand from it, which covers the entire Earth. This tent is on top of the North Pole of the Earth and hangs above it. The threads of the web are rapidly covering people's settlements. People do not see this web, which entangles them. When the web entangles a person, he becomes gray, and the eyes are sad. Small spiders run through the net and get into the persons. Blackout.
Gloomy, cold, foggy morning. Near the forest is a long, gloomy one-story house with a sloping roof, the low windows. Boys are sleeping inside the house. They sleep on beds, lie in a row, all have the same blankets.
Two soldiers enter barracks – one senior – 40 years old, another young – about 20 years old.
The old soldier -
“Get up!!!  What, Pantywaists, remembered mommy? Quickly rise! Run!”
Boys fall out in a crowd on the street and line up in discordant ranks. All of the boys are 12 – 15 years old.
Swan is also among them. The young soldier walks in front of rows and roughly pushes the boys, lining the ranks. The old soldier faces to ranks –
“How many times should I teach you, blockheads? We need soldiers, not the dancers and singers. Forget your mommies and grannies! Now you have the Heavenly Father! He sees everything and everyone, will punish everyone for disobedience.”
He strolls in front of the line and waves the sword.
“Who will argues and does not obey, he will be up all night hanging on a pillar like this one.”
The video camera rotates and we can see the pillar with a boy tied to it. He is swollen from the mosquitos, unconscious.
The old soldier orders to younger one -
He approaches, unties the ropes, and the boy falls -
“Recover him!” –  orders the Senior. Two slightly older boys bring a pail of water and pour out on the guilty boy. He wakes up and begins to move but still cannot get up. The senior approaches him, takes him roughly by his chin.
The old soldier -
“Well, bastard, have you learnt your lesson?”
The boy with fear looks at the soldier.
The old soldier -
“Will you argue with a senior?”
The Boy -
“No…” - he gasps.
The old soldier -
“Good... Go quickly in the end of the line!”
The boy rises hardly, limping, runs in front of a line of the ranks.
Arcane 8 Justice.
The old soldier -
«Now there will be no breakfast. He’s the one who’s responsible for it. You don’t deserve it! You will have it if you will carry out a task. The task is to go to the wood, find an animal, surround it and kill. If you execute that, you will have your meal! If not, you will remain hungry. Everybody take a spear and forth!”
Boys’ crowd rush to the weapon which standsas pyramids. These are short spears, as long as a man’s height.
The young soldier -
“Follow me quietly, stealthily, without the noise!”
And all of them, having bent down, run in woods. The movement goes from the right to the left.  They silently go making in woods. After a while, the young soldier gives a command to all to stop, stand still and listen. There is some noise is heard ahead in the woods.
The soldier gives the team signs – to bypass on the left and right.  All are strained. They finally made their way deeper and see on a small clearing a bear with a bear cub. The soldier gives a command and throws the first a spear at the mother-bear. She begins to roar and starts to thrash about, but from different directions, spears fly on her. And she can't escape, abandoning her young cub. The ring is compressed, she has more and more wounds, and she bleeds profusely.
She falls, she is surrounded, and the slaughter-house begins. The Soldier has predatory gambling, he hit the mother-bear and orders boys to kill her. Some boys finish a bear cub.
The Soldier -
“Why you are not killing it?”
The Soldier shouts at Swan. He stands slightly apart and with horror and tears in his eyes looking at what is happening.
The Soldier -
“Kill it!”
Swan throws a spear at the ground and runs off to the right.
The Soldier -
“Where are you running? Stop!!! Catch him!!!”
All turn around, having regained consciousness from the passion of murder, see Swan escaping, and look at the soldier.
The Soldier -
“What are you looking, blockheads – catch the Traitor!”
They turn into a flock and begin chasing through the woods. Long run. The road is narrows, because rocks are on the right and left sides.
The Soldier -
“He cannot escape!”
There is really nowhere to run, because there is asteep rocky ascent in front too. Swan in despair and utter exhaustion leans against the stone and it moves and he appears in the niche. The stone moves back. This is Great Mother saves him. He could see everything through the gap – the pursuit reaches the same place.
The Soldier -
“Where is he? Did he evaporate? That’s evil!”
They roam around but in vain.
The Soldier -
“Well, he will not go away, he will return or animals will eat him.”
They all go away.  He is still for a long time sitting in the shelter.  When twilight begins, he leans on a stone and it lets him out. He roams to a stream and insatiably drinks.
Where to go? He is alone.
Arcane 9 Hermit.

He slept through the night hiding in the branches of the fir tree. The morning is again foggy and cold. He woke up hungry, tired and desperate.  He wanders through the woods. Finally, he comes to an open area where there is a footpath. It takes him to a crossroad.
There is the city is visible from the left. You can go there. They will punish you for running away, but eventually, will feed you, and everything will be the same. He sits down at the crossroad not knowing what to do.
Arcane 10 Wheel of Fortune.

He sits for a long time. Suddenly he sees a white butterfly. She sits in the middle and has a rest, waving from time to time wings. He lookes at her – he will go where she will fly.
The butterfly flies up and flies into the forest. He followes it. He does not go for long, he clung to the root of the tree with his foot and begins to fall head down through a narrow dip.
The fall is not too fast, downhill, he is trying to slow down, clinging to the wall, but cannot help it. He manages to roll his head up, clinging to a root, but it broke off and he falls down completely.

Arcane 12 Suspended and the 13 Death.
He fell out with a bunch of leaves and debris in a small cave, safe and sound. He stands up, gets shook, goes out and looks around.
He finds himself in a dense forest. It is a mystic place. He walks for a long time in the forest, tall pines, thick soft moss.  He sees is the rock ahead, a stream flows nearby, and in a rock – a cave and in it - light spark. Swan cautiously approaches to the light and looks inside the cave.
He sees the man who bends over the book. This is Finn. A big fluffy cat is sitting next to him.  And it looks like it is reading too.  The book itself – is not the book, more like birch leaves, with signs.
Swan comes closer and sideways trying to see the human face. Finn sits motionless. Cat sees Swan, gets up and stretches lifts its tail. Suddenly, from behind exactly the same person appears. Swan turns around and sees with horror those two are identical. Moreover, from the depths of the cave comes the third one.
Finn -
“How did you get here, fellow?”
All three look at him and Swan doesn't understand, at whom he should look, he is in extreme confusion. All three Finns start to laugh loudly. Swan sees that nothing terrible happens also smiles.
Finn is a man, 40-45 years old. He has a silver-white hair of medium length, a small beard, and mustaches of the same color. He is dressed in white linen, without patterns, a shirt. He wears leather sandals with garters to a knee, as the Chinese masters of the martial art. He moves easily, he is flexible.
One of Finns who came from the depth of the cave goes to another and touches him as if he absorbs, the same with the second. He does it as if in passing, as usual, without any effort.
“How did you get here?” - Finn repeated his question.
Swan -
“I do not know… I walked, stumbled and fell.”
Finn -
“Really?  It is not so easy to fell in here…”
Swan -
“Where am I?”
Finn -
“Where you should be, I guess. Each person occupies the place he deserves.” - All of it is not clear for Swan.
«Well, what’s new in your world?  - Finn asks. - However, don't tell me, I can see all myself. Look at me!”
Finn stares straight into the eyes of Swan and his merry mood is change, he grows dark.
“So,  - relegating the last glance he says, - the High Priest found a husband for the Black Widow … Yes, dark times approaching, fierce times…”
Swan -
“But who are you? “
Finn -
“The Finn. It means – the wizard, the magician.”
Swan -
“Make me the wizard!”
The Finn has again burst out laughing –
“He wants to become a wizard! You don’t become a wizard; you have to be born as a wizard. And to be born as a wizard, you must first live many lives. However, if you are here maybe you will fit.  - Are you hungry? Here, eat!“
The Finn puts a wooden bowl with a soupin front of Swan. Swan starts eating greedily.
When Swan is satisfied and puts down the bowl, Finn says -
“Well, let’s see whether you suit in magicians.”
They climb the cliff. It is a rock that ends with a narrow precipice. A bottom is not visible. The Finn approaches the edge, stand with his back to the abyss so that the heels are hanging. Swan in horror falls on his stomach and all is white and covered with clammy sweat. Finn also makes “one leg stand”.
Finn -
“Can you repeat that? “
Finn moves a bit further from the edge and lets Swan go ahead.
Swan with shivering hands and feet has crept up to the edge, has glanced downwards –  there is no abyss. But, having overcome himself begins to straighten. And just when almost straighten up, suddenly wobbles and begins to fall. Finn dartes and seizes his hand at the last moment. He is hanging for a while.
Finn -
“Do you see there cloudberry grows?” -
Finn from above cheerfully speaks.
Swan swung, looked at the rock – actually a small shrub with red berries has somehow grown at this altitude!
Finn -
“Try it! Eat it!”
Swan grabbes a berry with his mouth and eat it.
Finn -
“Is it tasty?”
“Mmm" – Swan could only to moo in response.
Finn -
“Catch the moment!. Always live here and now. If you catch the moment, you will live eternally” -  and Finn easily pulles him out upward.
Finn -
“Well, do you still want to become the magician?”
«Yes!» - Swan firmly answers.
After the endured fear, rescue and taste of a berry, he has a full catharsis.
Finn -
«And all this is the easiest».
Further training begins. This is a series of the small episodes, taken about same style and tempo as training by Beatrix in a movie "Kill Bill 2".
They both are on the river bank.
“So what is this world like where we are?” - Asked Swan.
Finn -
“Once upon a time the magicians have discovered that the world of dreams can be just as real as the manifested world. But the world was unstable and decayed, and each time had to be done again. And then magicians have agreed and have decided to unite efforts and have created here this collective world of a dream.
“So…  We are in a dream?” – with astonishment asked Swan.
Finn -
“No, now this world same real as manifested, but it took 100 thousand years of continuous efforts of the generation of magicians. Now here every blade of grass, every insect lives its own life. And here you can also die if fall into the abyss.”
Finn smiles …
“In your world, almost no one knows about this world, and we know everything about your world.”
Swan -
“And where are the others?”
Finn -
“Here and there, doing something, each is busy with their own affairs, there is a lot of space here, enough for everyone, the Universe is infinite …Sometimes we meet when it is necessary to gather the Council.”
Swan -
“And who is the Chief among you? “
Finn -
“Which tree is the main in this forest? “
Swan -
“I do not know, probably – none.”
Finn -
“And we do not have a ñhief. There is no chief in the Universe in general and no supervisor chief.”
Swan -
“And are all of the magicians male?”
Finn -
“Why? There are also women, about half. We are not monks, like those in your black clothes.
For us to make Love is a science and art, so women also here.”
Swan -
“And how do they get here?”
Finn -
“You came here when stumbled, but you wouldn't get here if you pierced spear of the mother-bear your. Your Mother sent you here.”
The next episode.
Swan -
“So, how to made twins?”
Finn -
He is concentrating, sharply claps on the palms, quickly rubs them and begins to trace the palms of his body from head to toe.
After 2-3 circles a new bluish body begins to grown, when it comes solid, Finn simply stepps forward, and they become two. After a few moments, there are three Finns.
You see how easy these twins can be made. But it is necessary to absorb all of them after.
It is not so difficult to create a twin. It is important to learn so that your mind could be in any of them or in all of them at once.
This is called –
“To take out a sword from a stone, if you will learn to do it, you will be invulnerable. Where am I now?» - Finn has quickly asked.
Swan hesitantly points to one of them.
“Try to pierce” - the Finn has offered.
Swan has pierced the Finn into a breast, his hand passed through a Double. Swan with uncertainty poked another one – with the same result. He, with excitement, begins to poke all twins, but with no result. Finally, Finn gathered all three in one and Swan confidently walks to it and pokes. And again his hand falls into the emptiness!
There is laughter from behind. Finn sits on the cut tree and laughes at him. 
Finn -
“I have been sitting here for a long time and watch you. Well, did you understand something?”
Swan hesitantly shakes his head.
Finn -
“Well, then try! “
The next episode.
Both of them go through the woods. Finn, passing, pickes up a long stick with his foot and is in his hands it immediately turnes into a formidable weapon, a staff. He makes some spectacular moves with his stick, and then just droppes it.
Finn -
“The world in which we live – is dangerous and consequently, it is necessary to be always armed. All weapon you need to carry with you …Someone will catch you, when you in a bath washing and you will have nothing to defend yourself…” -  Finn has grinned.
“But you also don’t have any weapon” – askes Swan.
Finn -
“How come I do not have it? And what about this one?”
And Finn from behind through the head takes a real Catana.

Swan with amazement:
“How did you do it?”
Finn lovingly holds the sword in his hands -
“Beautiful, huh? We came up with it. A method of long tests and errors. It is perfect … Someday, thousands of years later they will learn to do such swords in your world too. On one island...”
He makes a few movements with the sword and throws it back in its sheath on his back and the sword disappears.
They move on. After a brief silence.
Finn -
“Everything in this world is matter and energy simultaneously. The Living, nonliving. Your consciousness – too both a materia and energy at he same time. But you have also the will, and therefore you can just create all, that is in your mind. It is necessary just to want it strongly and do not think about anything else. In your world they forgot how to do it; they decided it is easier to do everything with hands. But what is made by hands, it then doesn't disappear anywhere. And it all – is dead. And what is created by mind –  is live, magical.
Come on, try.”
Swan -
“And what should I do?”
Finn -
“Imagine a sword in your hands, or even better, think that if it won't appear now, the enemy will cut you into pieces.”
Swan gathered his hands, as though he holds the handle of the sword, closed his eyes, tensed. In his hand a sheaf of long grass appeares instead of the sword. Finn easily waves his hand with a knife and cuts this sheaf.
Finn -
“For the first time – not bad.”
Swan surprisingly looks at the rest of a bunch of a grass in his hands.
“For the thousandth time, you will do it!” - Finn encourages.
The next episode.
Swan early in the morning is comes to the lake. There is a perfectly smooth surface on the lake. He looks directly ata Finn on water smooth surface there is a and rotating the energy balls that emit a small buzz. When finishes, Finn has incorporates these balls in oneself and walkes on water to the shore. He sees Swan.
"Take a walk!" - the Finn offers.
Swan approaches on a planked footway to water and puts a foot on water – it is naturally – plunges.
Finn -
“Imagine that you are a feather, a water skippers” - Instructs Finn.
Swan is concentrated, in the head creates the image of feathers, carried by the wind and takes a step into the water. The water holds him!  He makes even one step further and falls into the water till his chest. Finn goes to him and he is smiling, looking down.
Finn -
“Do you know why I am dry, and you are wet? “
Swan -
Finn -
“Because, my mind is as a sword, as a stone, as an arrow – sharp, silent and unidirectional. And your mind is as a sparrow – all time skips from place to place and continuously chirps.”
Next short episodes.
Swan sits in Padmasana in a cave and continuously looks at the flower image on a wall. Sparring of Swan and Finn on staffs, on swords. After that Swan licks his wounds, covering with their medical leaves. Swan runs up from shore and runs along the surface of the lake, each time farther and farther, but still all the time plunges into the water.
Finally, he stands on the water. He climbs to the very rock that stands on the edge, on one leg, hands in Namaste and closes his eyes in meditation. He is about 13-14 years old. He transformes and now he is already 18-20 years old – he still stands on the rock. He opens his eyes. There are confidence and strength in his eyes.
An episode of the mystical sex of Finn with Diana. Swan (now adult) and the Finn on a field are engaged in something like an aikido. All movements are light and elegant. At the edge of the field a young woman of dazzling beauty comes and looks at them. She wears a short skirt-tunic, her breast is bared, hair is loose, a wreath of flowers is on her head, and she wears sandals on her feet, like Greek women with garters to her knees.

Finn and Swan see her and stop.
Finn –
“What a guest we have! Let me introduce you. This is Diana.”
Diana -
“So, this is your Pupil?” - she asks, bypassing Swan around and examining him.  He sees a woman for the first time of this period and he is in confusion.
“Yes, he was brought here by the wind, I could not expel the poor fellow” - Finn answers.
“He is handsome”  – She states – “Leave him along for now - she says almost imperiously, - "let him work out himself.”
She takes Finn into the wood, giving Swan a smile at parting. Swan is alone and doesn’t know what to do.  He gets or rather creates a sword, turns it over in his hands and pushes it back, it disappears. The beauty of Diana has amazed him.
And he decides to go after them. He quietly slips between the trees down. Enters the open space and sees them. Finn and Diana stand on a rock, in the sky, holding hands. Diana stands to the right. Finn wears a short Greek tunic. They together begin to fall into the abyss.  Swan looks with horror at this. But, having flown more than a half, they soar up and freeze embraced in the air in the middle of the gorge.
Either dancing or sex begins. They reel, fly, intertwine again, faster and faster, all the frenetic… Then, arm in arm, begin to descend slowly and sit in Padmasana on a smooth surface of a mountain lake. The lake slightly starts to wave. Diana shakes in the arms of Finn, the waves diverge around the lake. On the surface of the lake pink and white lotuses are beginning to blossom. A flash of light. Blackout.
The Finn and Swan sit on the bank of a small mountain river. The small river and waterfall go into a cave. The Finn says thoughtfully -
“Everything you have done so far is a toy.  And this is a real test…To become a Magician and Immortal it is necessary to pass the Lower Black Waters. We, all who are there – passed through them. Although many, who have entered – could not come back … Once upon a time, all the magicians were united. But there were those who did not want to go to the Black Waters – afraid of losing their precious Personality. And that it is very simple there…
Then, between us, there was a split. Those who did not go the Black Waters left. And they went the other way. They began to subjugate the people in different ways to prolong their existence through other people’s lives. The current High Priest – is one of them. They do not have enough of their own power, so they look for reinforcements on the side. That is why he betrothed us to the Black Widow.”
Swan -
“And why is she called the Black Widow?”
Finn -
“She is named like this because she eats all of her husbands…But it is not the time to talk about it. When you will go to the Lower Water – it is important - do not turn around…
Look only inside yourself.”
Swan -
“Why I should not turn around? “
“If you turn around, you will become a stone” - Finn said in a grave voice... and smiled.
He continued seriously – "If you turn around - will remain in that life, forget what you were, where you're going. You - the present one - will disappear, but a new person will appear who will not remember anything. And if you will not remember anything, you will fall into the web of murderers, if the Soul is taken away from you, then without the Soul, you will go into the ground and become a stone."
Swan -
“Maybe later?”
Finn -
“It is necessary to do it now! You need to do it when you have lots of strength. When you will become old, you cannot do it for sure.”
Swan -
“And for how long should I go?”
Finn -
“This small river runs into that lake, - the Finn points a lake in a valley - if you do everything correctly, you will come up there.”
Finn gives him the coil of rope.
“You cannot pass the fiery river without it. Make it wet first.”
Swan dippes a rope into the river, puts on his shoulder.
Swan getst up, lookes around as if saying goodbye to this world.
“I am ready.”
They come to the edge.
“We will not say goodbye”  – admonishes Finn.. - “Go!”
Finn pushes him into darkness, and Swan enteres the cave, turnes around and sees in daylight the figure of Finn. He went down the rocks for a long time. The cave widened, and he saw a continuous river of lava that crosses his path. He walks to the edge. There is intolerable heat from the lava. He goes a little higher and lookes out  – what to throw his lasso on.
He finds a suitable, the vertically standing stone on the shore, takes aim and throws. He misses! He quickly begins to pull the rope. It has already caught fire. He has to cut the burning piece and it becomes shorter. He throws it one more time – again, the rope slippes into the lava and a part evaporates. He cuts again the burned piece out. He throws the rope for the third time and successfully. He pulles the rope and attaches it to this shore.
He tries pulling it and crawls – there is no time for procrastination. It has already begun to soar. He crawls along the rope, the lava below is burning him so much that the shirt begins to smolder too. He works with his hands at a furious pace and finally jumps on another bank.  And just at the same time the rope breaks, in just some seconds it begins to burn down the ends on both sides. He passes the fire.
He goes further into the cave and soon reaches an underground river. He goes into the water and swims.
He, along with a stream of water emerges in the bustling small lake, but only for a few moments, because the water has gone into an underground cave. He grabbes more air in his lungs and dives. And now he is swimming underwater in a cave. Some animals lit his path. But swim is still very far away. He swims vigorously, but the tunnel has not yet ended. He has no strength, there is not enough air.
He makes a few sharp jerks and sees a faint light at the top. He comes up in an underground cave. He has passed the Water.
Everything in a sort of fog, but it is poorly lit. He swims forward slowly, and the stream becomes quieter. The water is like oil. He walks knee-deep in the water. Here is silence. Only a sound of drops of water can be heard. He walks for a long time. He sees an arch ahead. The stream goes to it. He enters the arch.
It becomes absolutely dark but then there is a light in front of him. He goes to the light and sees a wall of arch becomesthe reddish, the color of red copper. He comes to the light and then next to him faces of people, some landscapes begin to flicker, things change very quickly. But he firmly looks forward. There is one more arch ahead.
He enters it and again darkness. Once again light. Again he can see faces in a flas light. Again the arch over the darkness. And so it is repeates several times. He has already lost count. This are the copper pipes. Movements begin to slow down and when he enteres a new life, he begins to see the surroundings more clearly and in detail.
This is a reincarnation in the esoteric sense. We see several reincarnations, about 5-6 times. Different times, different countries.
First he sees of a woman’s face by the side, so it is mother, then the man’s face – a father, then some houses, fields, river, some people, the slashing soldiers on horses. And suddenly he sees a woman of extraordinary beauty. When she begins to pass him, he can not stop looking at her and turnes to follow her, and he is immediately thrown out into this life.
He is already 25 years old, but his role plays the same actor. He has a different hair color, and in general a lot has changed in appearance. He stands on the shore of the lake, but it is a different lake. He is in good mood. He is screaming “– Oh-oh-oh!” And echo answeres him. He screams again, and then he begins to sing. The song is lyrical, long, but without sadness and tragedy. He sings for some time.
Suddenly he sees a floating swan on the surface of the lake. It swims directly to the shore, slowly, but getting closer and closer. He continues singing. It takes wings, flies to the shore and suddenly turnes into a beautiful girl. But now she is a little older, her dress is more riches than before, lots of jewelry.
He stoppes singing, approaches her and takes her hand, looking into her eyes. And she looks at him, straight in the eyes, and they express only one – “Wont you hurt my feelings?”
He hugs her – “My soul!” – And she clung to his chest and occasionally glancing at him with the same mute question.
He takes her hand and they are happily running through the woods to the village. North Slavic village 16-17 centuries. He enters the village through the gate on which the cross is established. The village is dirty, so he picks her up. But no one sees her. It is the soul. He brings her into the house.
The house is prosperous, wooden, two-storied. He takes her in the room and puts on her feet. They embrace. She leaned again against his chest. It is getting dark. He starts to light lamps and candles. He is orthodox now. When he lights a lamp in the corner, there is lit formidable face of God the Father on the icon.

He again approaches her, huggs her, but something prevents him – that terrible look!
He decides to curtain the icon according to Russian custom. As soon he approach, the wind blows, a dark fog appeares, there comes total darkness.
The thunder bursts, light flashes in a fog,
The icon lamp dies away, the smoke runs,
All around in dusk, all shivers,
Swan’s soul is shivering ...
All ceases. In terrible silence
The voice strange is distributed twice,
And someone in smoky depth
Rises blacker han foggy haze...
And again everything becomes is empty and silent;
(The poetic lines are not pronounced here and further. This is an illustration of the atmosphere of this episode.)
He lights the fire, the candles, but she is not there. He begins to call and scream, but she is nowhere. He runs out to the street, looks for her, frightening overdue passers-by – they think he is mad. They run away from him. He is running outside the village in the field. Falls to the ground and sobs.
He comes to himself on the night and when it dawsn, he is at the same lake. He became thin, blackened, somehow became stooped. He goes to the lake and begins to sing, but the sounds are not the same. His voice is hoarse, it breaks. And nothing happens around – only a couple of startled ducks. Frogs croak, and the silence.
He is in despair again falls to the ground near the shore.  He has no strength to cry. And he just scooped up some water and washed his face. The water smothered out, and he looked at his reflection. And suddenly, through reflection, he sees the Swan’s features! He sees sometimes the image of present Swan, and another time the image of the Swan he had lost.
He begins to remember something! And suddenly sees floating small water snake. He swims to the right of him. Having removed all clothes, he enters the water and begins to swim after the small water snake.  Morning fog shrouds him, but he does not lose sight of him. The small water snake begins to swim faster; he tries to catch up with it. Suddenly near another shore, the small water snake dives and disappears into the water.
He reach that place, has roams, then takes a deep breath and dives.  In the depth, he sees a cave under the water. He inspects it, but it is necessary to come up. He emerges from the water, recoveres his breathing, grabbes more air, and dives again and swam to the cave, lookes deep into it – nothing can be seen, dark and muddy. He decides to swim further inside.
It is getting darker and darker. Finally, it is complete darkness. He feels scared to swim further because it would be difficult to come back. And he doesn’t have enough air to breathe. He stoppes for a moment. He thinks about returning back. But then – a man dies only once – and frantically begins to row ahead.
Suddenly he sees a light in front of him, he startes to swim with doubled force. He gets out of the cave and sees the light at the top, and with the last strength, he emerges from the water. He is at the same lake which Finn mentioned! It is very difficult and he is exhausted, the swims to the shore and crawls on the sand.
He is resting for some minutes.  And he is having an attack of happy laughter. This salvation and the realization that he is back! Suddenly he sees in front familiar leather shoes. He raises his head, Finn stands in front of him.
“You did not return for a long time!” -  Finn speaks.
Swan happily -
“Do you know how much time has passed since the moment we parted?” - Finn askes almost accusingly.
“No…” – Swan answers.
Finn -
“Twelve thousand of your Earth years.”
“And you have not changed” - Swan smiles and gets up. He gets up and they hug.
Finn -
“I am glad, that you are back. It was not for nothing to waste so much time to teach you ...”
After some time they sit again on the bank of the river. Finn is thoughtful.
Swan is already has recovered. He is calm and focused.
Finn -
“Do you know who has stolen your Soul?” - He paused – “You are not the only one, whose soul was stolen.”
Finn begins the story -
“The Black Widow appointed here her new Vicar. Let’s name him “The Beardie”. He is a ferocious bastard. He reaps where he does not sow. I don’t know where she found him, in which cosmic terrarium, but he started over zeal…”
Swan -
“Is he a snake? A Dragon?”
Finn –
“He is the king of the Beardeds. We call them that because they eat by dint of their beards. Their beard is not made of hair, but like guts out, tentacles, suckers. But here, on Earth, he incarnated into a human, so almost no one can guess who he really is.
He came here with a gang of these Creatures and even here has created a legion of golems to promote his interests. The High Priest now serves The Beardie. Today The Beardie for them is as God.

People under his direction, die like flies, but he doesn’t care – a flow of souls is abundant. And in the West, the Black Widow has set another sly fellow – he trades the Kingdom of Heaven. Here they also started to fight each other … So many people were killed!”
“And you sit here and quietly watch all of this…”- Swan said with bitterness.
Finn’s face grew stern -
“There is no punishment without crime! Those who currently suffer,  they are descendants of those who killed the White Queen and renounced their Great Mother. The one, who sowed the wind, will reap the storm. Never betray the Mother, who gave birth to you. For any promises, nor for any pleasure, any kingdom of heaven, even for immortality.”
They sit quietly.
Swan jumpes up, begins to walk around -
“Well, something must be done!”
Finn -
“Yes, we need to hurry, your Soul is still alive, but for not for a long time. The Beardie cannot take her, do you know why?”
Swan lookes at Finn.
Finn -
“He is castrated. Our boys castrated him when they toppled him from the throne of Egypt, which he captured killing king Osiris!”
Finn laughes…
Then he speaks again very seriously -
“But he can eat her, it is simple for him, he has there a whole camarilla of parasites” - Finn pauses… “But you do not hesitate. The Starry Wheel of Time will make a turn and all, who got in on this carousel – everyone should get into its millstones.”
Palace of The Beardie.
First, we see the tower of the High Priest, but now it has grown to heavens and its top disappears behind clouds. The video camera promptly raises up toward the top. Approximately as shown in the palace of the king in the movie “Stardust”.
There is a huge hall in the tower. It is throne-room of The Beardie. He reclines on the Throne – under a canopy bed. The overall impression of the room is a gloomy luxury. On the top of the hall are the outlets on each of them – flaming red Pentagram and the Sickle and Hammer, as on the emblem of the USSR.

Brocade fabrics are verywhere;
Gems play, as heat;
Golden censer are around
Give fragrant steam;
The Beardie is a bald, short, hunchbacked freak with a long black beard. His beard is long hoses, tentacles covered with long gray hair. He is not a human. He is a Beardie. He has a skin of darker color, swarthy.
He is at the moment without a cap, he is bald. He wears a wealthy suit but casually dressed. There are some of his “negro” knelt by his bed. They wear different clothes of priests.They are priests of the orthodox church and Muslim muftis.
Option. In the crowd of people, we see a man who looks like Stalin in a military jacket. Why is Stalin here? Because his pseudonym - "Stalin" means - "St - al" - "Seth - Almighty."
One of the servants is currently just humbly combs the beard of the Beardie which lies as a wave on a cushion. The bone comb is shown in close up. It is obviously made of human bones. Despite the fact that the situation is relaxed, he looks at his servants with evil, suspicion, and contempt.  And sometimes he doesn't look at them at all, despising them all. A magnificent dinner is served for him.

He is served on a platter of a human baby, who is even still alive. One of his tentacles sucked to his body and in three doses with a powerful squelch sucks out all the flesh so that from the baby there is only an empty shell left.
When he finishes eating, he lazily waves his hand, and dishes are put on another table and all employees are pushing each other and taking pieces, begin to eat food with greed.  He looks at all this pushing even more contemptuously.
Suddenly there a noise is heard and a Dragon is coming into the tower. He noisily flies in the hall.
This is a black Dragon with iron scales and when it moves, you hear the sound of metal. All servants recoiled in fear. The Beardie is scared too but tries not to show it. He puts on his cap with an inverted red pentagram. The Dragon three times turnes left and turnes into a dark knight in which the Knights Templar is recognized, but it is not so obvious. She has a picture of the two-headed eagle with a crown on his armor.
The Knight –
“Hail, a dear colleague whom we honore for a long time!”
The Beardie discreetly nodded.
The Knight –
“Let’s leave our feuds, brother, they only disturb our common business!”
The Beardie -
“It was not me, it was you, who first have violated the terms of our Agreement.”
The Beardie pickes up his beard, slid sideways off the bed and walked to the knight.  They walk together along the gallery. The Beardie is much lower than the knight, but he lifts his chin, and it makes him look taller.
The Knight –
“You are ruling here alone, and we have lots of faction with their own interests, so there are differences.”
“What brought you to me, respectable Knight?” - Soothingly asks the Beardie.
The Knight –
“On Earth, among the aborigines no one left that can provide us with resistance, but there is Finn with his team, they are out of reach, and we cannot get them and destroy. “
The Beardie nervously shakes his beard.
The Knight –
“You are in danger. Finn is a strong and artful enemy. He prepares a trap for you.”
The Beardie, obviously summoning up courage –
“I am not afraid of dark intrigues. The Beardie is blessed with this fertile beard. Till a hostile sword does not cut this grey hair beard, none of the dashing heroes, no mortal would ruin the least of my intentions!”

The Knight with grin -
“Have you learned this eastern florid style of speaking when you were the Tsar in Egypt?”
The Beardie throws a displeased look at the Knight, she is continuing…
“It is tough times, the Black Widow demands more and more of material. And during the change of the space epoch, everything is so uncertain and shaky. We must stay together in power on this pathetic planet and eliminate all our opponents.”
The Beardie -
“For me our union is precious. We shame the treachery of Finn.”
And he gave his hand to the Knight. Then the Knight approaches a window, jumps and hurriedly turns to the Dragon and departs on the West, to a sunset. Blackout.


Finn -
“You need to find a horse. Let’s go.”
They were walking through the forest and came to the meadow where horses were grazed. They sat down.
Finn –
“These horses are not afraid of people, but you need to find  Your horse, you need to feel it.”
Finn gives Swan a small bridle.
Finn –
“Your Horse will want you to put it on.”
Swan takes the bridle and walks across the meadow, the horses are peacefully grazed – their whole herd is of a different color. He passes past them, they are looking at him without fear. He approaches one of the horses, stands and looks at it and tries to put on the bridle. But the horse stepped back and moved away. Swan is trying to do the same with the other – the same result.
A couple of times with the same result. Finally, he sees one standing at some distance, a horse of black color. He approached the horse, stroke its rump and it has not moved. Swan puts on it the bridle. It doesn't move. Then Swan jumps on it, the Horse joyfully reared and galloped off. Finally, after galloping through forest, field, he returned to the spot where Finn was standing.
“Now listen to me carefully" – very seriously began Finn.
“You have to find Osiris. You will go through the Manifested World because you cannot reach him from this world. Osiris went to his own postmortem kingdom from the Manifested World, so you need to get there through it also. He will tell you everything about The Beardie…
And you will need a sword.  It is with Osiris now.  How everything will turn out, I do not know, but you are the one who needs to go. It is not my time yet and not my world, it is yours. My part will start later because it has started earlier. Osiris is sleeping now when you will find him, you should whisper in his ear – “Isida”...Here is your horn, when you will need help, just blow into it!  Swan sat on horseback.
Good luck!”
Swan hits the horse on the rump and rushes into a gallop.
Swan rides and finds a cave. It is covered with some fog. He resolutely goes through it. It closes behind him. He slowly picks his way through the cave even has to bend down. There is light ahead, and another veil of fog. He breaks it and jumps out of the cave from another side.
There are bushes, vines, and when he emerges from the cave, it closes up, as if there was no exit.
Swan rides along a rural road. There is a village or a small town ahead.  There is a cemetery on the outskirts of the streets, there is a solid fence of black crosses, and many of them are lop-sided. He enters the city. Everywhere is dirty. All people’s facesare some kind of gray color, they are depressed, sad, lots of drunks, some of them lying in the dirt, a fight between drunks at the tavern. Some of the people angrily and suspiciously look at the horseman.
The only beautiful building is a church. The rest of them are grey, dirty and unattractive.
There is a huge contrast to what was in the White Arktida.
Swan rode through the city and went to the steep river bank. He looks around the neighborhood. Nature there is still beautiful. Suddenly, from behind he heard noise of stamping hoofs. Another horseman overtook him. He is similar to the soldier of the Konung, who has killed the White Queen.
“Hey, wait a minute, - he tells Swan, - who are you? From where have you come? Where are you going?”
Most probably it is the police officer, who was  informed about a strange non-local traveler. Swan is not responding, trying to assess the situation.
“You are not one of us, - suspiciously says the soldier, - and you don’t have any cross on you…”
He was armed so he was feeling confident. He rode to Swan’s side and took his horse by the bridle.
“Stand still!” -  The soldier pulled the sword from his scabbard.
“You are making a big mistake!” - calmly said, Swan.
The soldier -
“What? You are threatening me?”
The soldier jumped off his horse, holding it by its bridle… - “Come on, get off the horse, or I will cut veins of your horse.”
Swan has jumped off from the horse and quietly walked over to the soldier. He made a few subtle movements, and the soldier flew away.
“What are you doing?” – with anxiety and threat the soldier began talking, avoiding him and trying to attack the other side. He began with a sword attack. The fight began. The soldier beats with a sword, but all the time Swan masterfully is dodging.
He does short striking blows, and his opponent flies away from a few steps but persistently again comes back.
The soldier cannot understand how an unarmed man prevails against him, armed one?  The fight is getting hotter. The soldier has already flown into a rage. He is breathing heavily and there is some blood on his face, he looks like a beast, attacking again and again and still cannot strike Swan.
Finally, Swan makes masterly twisting movement by a body and snatches out a sword. Now he is with a sword and the soldier – without. He stands on the precipice. Swan stands quietly, holding his sword directly on him. The soldier can leave, but he rushes on Swan stumbles and falls at the sword. Then he begins to move back with a sword in his chest, having grasped with his hands and falls from a cliff.
"Bastard" – contemptuously throws Swan, masterly sits on his horse and rides to the horizon. Swan rides for a long time until finally, he reaches some mysterious forest.
He has passed the dark forest;
He sees a wide field with a morning glaze of morning skies.
He goes to the field, which is covered with killed soldiers. The sky is covered with low lead clouds.  Absolute silence. No movements. Everything has become covered by a dust of centuries. Many skeletons have turned to ashes and are scattered from knocks of hoofs. He sees the old battlefield.
Here and there
Bones turn yellow; on hills
Quivers, armor are scattered;
There harness, here rusted shield;
In bony hand here the sword lies;
Grass breaks through the helmet and skull,
Arrows plunged into the damp earth, and
The peaceful ivy chokes them…
Nothing perturbthe silence of wilderness.
He dismounts and looks for an armor. At first, he finds chain armor, puts it on, then the helmet, and next –  a shield with an eagle.
He moves further and the ruins of the ancient civilizations started to appear on the sides. Ancient Rome, Greece, Persia – they are recognizable by buildings – the Coliseum, the Parthenon, the Ishtar Gate – but all is dilapidated, on all the seal of devastation. There is not any soul. Swan finally reaches the ruins of Egypt.
He enters these torn down temples - everywhere there is dust, debris, fallen statues. He enters the temple.  Here is a dim light. In the depths of the temple, there is a statue of Osiris. It is covered with dust and debris till its shoulders.  There are two feathers are abovehis head.
He sleeps. Swan went up to him, got up, crept to his ear and whispered:  – "Isida". At first, nothing has happened. Swan jumped down and looked at the Head. The shaking started, the temple has begun to shake, something began to fall from above, and the statue came to life.

Îsiris slowly opened his eyes –
“Who has dared to disturb me?” - the thunderous voice was distributed. Osiris saw Swan. «It is you, impudent? And you in addition is also the mortal! If you do not have enough reason to wake me up, I will incinerate you for such impudence!» - and eyes of Osiris began to be poured by fire.
Swan -
“Hey, wait a minute! I have a reason! We have a common enemy with you. The Beardie!”
Eyes of Osiris were filled with hatred –
“The Beardie! I knew him under a name of Seth. He was the Supreme Priest in my Kingdom. Do you want to listen to about it? Do you want to fight with him?"
Swan -
"He stole my bride."
Osiris -
"He stole my life...
Listen to my sad story..”
Osiris turns from the statue into a live tsar, and we are transported to ancient Egypt, even more, ancient than the era of the Pharaohs. Osiris and Isida sit on the Throne. She sits on his right side. They accept ambassadors.
Pictures follow one another through the fog and the paintings themselves are somehow vague. We see The Beardie in clothes of the Egyptian High Priest, his beard is shorter, but as a whole appearance – the same. He is sitting over some scrolls. Arcane 15 Typhon.
The following scene of Osiris and Seth walk along garden gallery and  Seth whispers -
“I in Black Books have found,
That behind east mountains,
On silent exhausting coast,
In a deaf cellar, under locks
The sword - and what is stored? Fear!
I have disassembled in magic darkness,
That as the fates decree the hostile
This sword will be known to us;
That it both will ruin us:
To me, will chop my beard off,
To your head; judge yourself
How important to purchase
this creature of evil spirits!”
(These poetic lines can be pronounced prose too.)
Osiris answers him:
"Well, are there difficulties to do it? I am ready to go even to the end of the earth.”
The next scene. Seth and Osiris are in some ancient temple to face the opening between two columns. Seth pulls out the magic powder from the bag, throws it into the doorway and there a dark passage opens. They go to it and find themselves in a deserted area. It is obvious that they are in other space.

Light, nature – everything indicates that is a different world. They go to the mountains, valley and appear on the seacoast. The sea is calm, almost like a mirror. On seacoast, there is a Sphinx looks at the heavenly sun. The Sphinx is in the form similar to the Egyptian, when they come closer they see that the Sphinx has a woman's face.
Between the paws of the Sphinx, they find the passage, which is covered with a translucent wall that produces smooth hum as power generated station.

Seth tried to pass, but he was thrown so much that he falls on his bum.
“Only you, the Great Tsar, can pass” - noted Seth rising.
Osiris went to the wall, touched it and it broke under the pressure of his hands. Then he began with an effort to push the gate. It has given in and moved apart.
They entered the passage between the Sphinx paws and they found the room, basement, littered with fallen leaves of a palm tree. Osiris scattered the leaves and on the bottom on a small pedestal the sword flashed– a crescent sword Khopesh.

When Osiris took it in his hand, it hummed and glowed.

We see now again Egypt and Osiris kingdom. There is a feast. The Beardie-Seth sits to the left of Osiris. On the other side of Osiris sits Isida.
Seth whispers – «Oh, great tsar! I have proved you the devotion, but I am willing to do for you even more!”
Osiris -
Seth -
“Your Highness! Listen! You are great, but the Tsar on the Earth even the greatest  tsar can't avoid death.”
Osiris has frowned
“Yes, it is so, unfortunately.”
Seth -
“It can be avoided! You can become Immortal God, and I have made for you a surprising sarcophagus – who lays down on it, finds immortality!”
Osiris -
“So, lead me!”
Isida –
“Tsar, don't go! I have a bad feeling! Better stay with me.”
Seth on the ear of Osiris –
“The Queen doesn't want that you to become stronger than her in Magic!»
Osiris is firm – «We will go!»
They are already in a temple. Together with Osiris and Seth people of Osiris and Isida came. This is an underground room, illuminated with torches. In the of the room on a small hill the ornate gold sarcophagus stands. It is open and it has a hinged cover.
In this round room on the perimeter, there are 72 sacrificers in dark black-lilac clothes and half closed faces. Osiris looked inquiringly.
Seth –
“These are my servants, 72 junior sacrificers, they will assist you in the Great Transition!”
Osiris walked around the sarcophagus, touched it, and stroked it on the sides. Then he climbed up an eminence, has stepped in a sarcophagus, for the last time has looked at Isida and has laid down in it.
Above him the smiling face of Seth –
“Happy Return! Oh, great Tsar!”
And two of his attendants close with much effort the sarcophagus cover. We see through the eyes of Osiris how the cover is closing and there comes full darkness. A moment of silence.
Seth as if it was planned, touches the handle on the lid of the sarcophagus, which was not visible before.  Close-ups we see  – that it is the handle from that Khopesh. This handle is at a level of a neck of Osiris. Seth sharply but firmly turns the handle on a groove in a sarcophagus lid, so it passes a semicircle.
The sarcophagus begins to beat!  It is agony, or truer is a post-mortal agony of Osiris because his head is already cut. People of Osiris suspected something wrong, bared swords, and have rushed to rescue the Queen Isida, but the attendants of Seth were on call – they have bared the hidden daggers and have there and then killed the first who has tried to break to a sarcophagus.
«Treason!» - people of Osiris have cried, and guards of Isida surrounded her and took her out of the basement.
Seth is no longer pay attention to it. He is triumphant. His servants open the lid and we see the body of Osiris with the cut head in a blood pool. The Beardie  pulls out of the grooves skillfully installed Khopesh. He raises Khopesh up and we see his sickle-shaped blade, from which the blood of Osiris is dropping. And we understand that the coat of arms of the USSR was not Sickle, but disguised Khopesh.
The next shot – Seth – The Beardie sits on the throne of the King of Egypt. In his hand there is the rod Uas. The video camera drives off back – in front of him in the throne room – kneeled younger priests in black-lilac, further – all other obedient people – mostly in white.
The next shot – Seth again passes through the magical gate. Then he goes to the temple, where the head of Osiris stands and gently hides the sword of Khopesh under it.
Again we see a statue of Osiris. There is silence for a short time.
“O knight!
Take this sword, and god is with you!
Perhaps, on the way
You will meet the dwarf-magician -
Oh, if you notice him,
You  will take revenge for me!
And finally I will be happy and leave this world quietly.”
Under the statue of Osiris there is a pedestal, and it starts to open – some hidden things opens the locks. The sand is pouring. The lid opens and in the depths of the stone box Khopesh flashed. Swan approached it, took it, and immediately it whistled in his hands.
“All power of  The Beardie is in his beard, - again said Osiris, - and only this sword can cut his beard.”
«Farewell, the great Tsar, I thank you» - Swan told with bow.
"Go" - has whispered Osiris and again closed his eyes.
Swan is already in our world. He stopped in the middle of a filed. He took out Khopesh, looked at it and it at once got lit. Swan made some movements and saw how the grass and small trees at a distance of half of a mile from him fall as knocked down. He carefully wrapped the sword and tied it behind his back. After that, he spurred his horse and galloped at full speed to the north.
The Beardie sat down on his throne and ordered -
"Hey, servants, bring me that old Farter!"
The Beardies servants bowed and quickly ran out of the throne room.
After a short time they brought the former High Priest to the hall. They placed him in front of the throne of the Beardie. The Priest knelt heavily and bowed his head almost to the ground. He became much older, gray-haired, thin, in the same dark brown cassock.
The Beardie -
"So, so ... do you remember your former comrades? Finn and his company? "
The Priest -
"Yes, my God!"
The Beardie -
"Do you know that they plot evil against us?"
The Priest shook his head negatively ...
The Beardie -
"You must show us where they are hiding!"
The Priest raised his head and shook his head.
The Beardie -
"What?!? Do you dare contradict your God? To me?"
The Beardie stood up on his short paws and towered over the Priest low and hissed -
"You know what I can do with you? The Death will not save you! I'm holding your pathetic soul like this."- he wrapped his beard around the old man's body, his tentacles clinging to him, - "Look at me!"- the old man looked up and looked at him with suffering pain, - "you will be tortured to death not long because you are already a rotten stump. But after death, you will suffer thousands of years! I'll lock you into a lead sarcophagus, and there will be no way out of it! I will launch a million scorpions there! And they will bite and gnaw you for thousands of years."
There was a heavy silence.
The Priest, without raising his head -
The Beardie -
"Hey, servants, fetch my the mace!"
Several servants brought a giant the mace into the hall.
The Beardie -
"Lead us!"
The entire procession descended downward, where the Hall and the Throne of the High Priest had previously been. The Priest opened the secret door, and they entered inward.
In the huge cave, there were two ladders - one down, the other up. The Priest led everyone upwards on the stairs. They climbed for a long time, then walked along the cave for a long time. Finally, a white light appeared ahead. They all went out into the open the mountain valley. There are a fog and silence. They passed on a meandering path and the Priest led them to two cliffs. Between the rocks was an opaque, resilient the foggy, white Wall.
The Priest, pointing to the Wall, said -
"They are there…"
Several Beardies servants approached the wall and tried to pierce it with swords. But it was useless. Swords did not penetrate the Wall.
The Beardie -
"Give me my mace!"
The Beardies servants carried the mace.
The Beardie grabbed her with both hands and struck the Wall with great force. The wall shuddered, but it held out. He hit again and again, and a crack ran through the wall, then another and one more.
Finally, the Beardie struck again and formed a breach.
Hordes, billions of spiders of different sizes rushed into this crack,
We see the World of Mages from within. Hordes of spiders entangle the whole world with cobwebs of the animals die, birds, trees, flowers wither, spiders devour butterflies.
A beautiful world died.
The Council.
There is a Council of the magicians on a large meadow. But here are not just magicians, but also American Indian magicians, the Taoists, the Tibetan llamas, the Druids, many women. In total 200 people. Finn stands and delivers a speech. This is the continuation of the speech, because everyone is already excited and there is a heated discussion.
«Friends, listen to me…  Yes, we are few but each of us costs to the whole Army. Who will we resist? Also the army, but an army of biorobots, they are primitive and only execute programs installed in them.”
"And Dragons? What if Dragons will arrive? We can not resist them!"
Finn -
“The Brother "Big Mountain" promised to deal with the Dragons. It has a bone to pick with them” - Finn said pointing to the very old North American Indian.  He silently nodded…
“We have the Wizards, who own the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air - powerful forces that can disperse any army.
“All of this is good” -  said someone, - “but what about the astral traps? If you are taken as a prisoner, they will torture you for thousand years.”
Finn -
“There is such possibility – the enemy is artful and more than once showed the unprecedented insidiousness, - the Finn has agreed, - that’s why we do not force anyone, we need only volunteers. Free choice of a free person.”
Everybody is silent. Serious thoughts.
“Of course, I understand” - the Finn continued after a pause, - “many of you at the cost of great work achieved immortality, and now have the opportunity to live in other, light worlds. And so it is very difficult to decide to sacrifice this precious immortality…But think about this – when you will be asked about what has happened with your native planet?  What will you answer?  You took what you wanted from Mother Nature, and then threw her to be eaten by predators and parasites.… Will they respect you after this? Will you respect yourself after that?”
There is silence.
Finn -
“Now we all will disperse. And let everyone to consider and make a choice… Anyone who does not want to engage in a battle is free to leave this Council, but in that case – he no right to return to earth in any capacity. For those who remain – we must and we can drive out the invaders from our planet, we must and can punish them for all the atrocities, we must and can restore the Great Ring of Life. May it be so!”
“May it be so!” - all chorused.

A gloomy northern morning. Lead clouds hang over the earth. The tower top disappears in height behind dark clouds. Swan from the top of the nearby mountain examines a field of forthcoming fight. Round the Tower are some defensive boundaries, on each boundary – warriors. For now, they strolling lazily and it seems there are not many of them.
Swan began riding downhill. He is noticed. So far there is no alarm, but the soldiers on the forward boundary have begun to worry, and bewildered examine the lonely soldier. Soldiers are all alike in the same uniform. Everyone has the red Pentagram on the helmets. Swan is in armor. He has a helmet, a shield and in his hand a sword, but not the one which Osiris gave him.

That sword is hidden behind the back, under a raincoat and only its handle is visible over the right shoulder. Swan stopped and blew the horn. The trumpet voice was powerfully carried through the entire valley.
The Beardie in his room, as always, sits on his throne. When he heard the sound of horn, he literally jumped out from it, and in extreme alarm, picked his beard, started running in the throne-room.
The Beardie, from the top, tries to make out something of what going down, but he cannot see anything. Meanwhile, tower guards, having heard a horn sound, at once has woken up and from all doors, soldiers began to pour out and to fill defensive boundaries.
The intense silence. The guards do not understand anything. And suddenly, out of all the surrounding hills magicians begin to appear.
But the guards feel very confidently behind defensive walls. In front of them just a handful of magicians. And they are thousand more. And their weapons are not even visible!  One of the magicians, who work with the elements of the Earth, began to shake the earth. He makes some kind of squats, springs to his feet, and the earth under his feet becomes unsteady and goes with low waves on defensive walls. And when they reach the defensive walls, the walls begin to swing and plunge into the earth.  Soldiers began randomly and chaotically jump off the walls and run.
Commanders shout something to them trying to put everything in order. Other Magician who works with the element of Water, standing on the shore, ran his hand through the water and picked up a big wave that overflowed some part of an army. When water has covered them, he began to blow on the water with his frosty breath, and the water immediately turned into ice, freezing to death the whole regiment.
The troops are in a panic, but from the tower, more new soldiers pour out. They are organized in a fighting order, and there has already begun melee battle. Magicians penetrate into the middle of the army, and there is an immediately formed  mountain of corpses. A fierce slaughter has started. The magician who works with the elements of the Earth still shakes the earth and knocks down the whole battalions.
Guards of the Tower are very furious, they are skillful in fights, but here they have met the unprecedented opponent. They kill the attacker, but that for some reason doesn't fall, but disappears, and in his place appears just the same warrior and continues fighting. This puts them in confusion and fear. The battle continues.
Comic scene. At this time, the general reported The Beardie that things are very bad. The Beardie ran to the phone, turned its handle and began shouting something into it. Then he threw it and again ran to the Tower edge, trying to see what was going on below.
The number of corpses is growing, a part of defense ranks begin to get thawing. A magician, who works with the elements of Fire, throws small fiery spheres towards an army, and they turn into a broad band of fire, and all the army jumps aside, knocking each other down.
The fight goes, on when suddenly someone shouts  - «Dragons!»
The Beardie, from the throne-room, triumphantly sees - the squadron of Black Dragons from the West is approaching to the battlefield. Everyone sees them. A Native American, who is called "Big Mountain", stands on a hillock and begins his dance.
He rotates in the same place, slightly bending his knees and waving outstretched arms. From under the fringe of his arms small whirlwinds of dust begin to form, which he seems to be thrown forward with each rotation to meet the squadron.
These whirlwinds start to expand to the clouds and turn to the huge tornadoes which are terribly roaring and speeding up. These tornadoes are becoming more and more because with each turn, from under hands of the Big Mountain there are new vortices.
The Beardie sees now, how Dragons and tornados come closer to each other. First Dragons immediately fall into the tornado tunnel, their wings are broken as if made of paper and they are rapidly tightened inside the tornado. So the entire first echelon of the Dragons has been destroyed. Other Dragons immediately turned back.
This resulted with extreme frustration and anger for The Beardie and gave joy to the magicians. The Tower defense has trembled and began to recede. The Beardie grabbed from the wall a mace hanging there. It is time for him to join the battle.
And where is Finn? We see an oak under which the Finn in the Lotus pose sits. His eyes are closed,  he holds in his hands a vajra and bell and works with these magical tools. It is becoming clear that he leads a fight. We see the battle with his eyes.
The army of defenders of the Tower has clearly thinned out and the Mages have already felt the taste of Victory. Suddenly, the mace began to beat them. The attacker cannot be seen  – he is in a cloud of fog.  But The Beardie strikes powerfully – under its blows magicians fall. Some can't rise. Its weapon is visible beats at many levels. The mace fell on Swan, but he managed to escape with a shield.
The second blow blew a shield in pieces.
At this point, the magicians, who work with the elements of Air, threw up the sparkling stars and the mist suddenly turned into snow, and attackers became visible. Swan saw overhead a furious face of  The Beardie. He raised his hand and hit Swan. From this blow, Swan fell from his horse on the ground. But after that blow, the beard of The Beardie slung over his shoulder and hung.

The Beardie in the heat of attack does not notice this, he does a new horrific blow, but it falls to the ground. Swan dodged and grabbed The Beardie’s beard and wrapped it around his left hand. The Beardie released the mace and grabbed his beard. Swan does not let it go and keeps even stronger. The Beardie began rise promptly upwards and Swan began too.
The comical and terrible scene at the same time.They flew in a few moments at the top of the tower, and The Beardie pulls Swan across the hall. Swan clings to his beard, The Beardie drags him on the floor, knocking everyone in his path.
“Servants, servants, here!” - The Beardie roars, - “kill him!”
The Bodyguards of The Beardie attacks Swan who has already managed to get up and he fights back with the sword.
It is very difficult because he has only one free hand.
Guard soldiers wave their swords, but the Beardie shouts, - “My beard!  I will kill anyone, who will touch it!!!
The Bodyguards are afraid to approach him and Swan have an advantage. He is waving his sword in fan motions and throws opponents without releasing the beard which shakes The Beardie from side to side. He is trying to slow down, but slips on the smooth floor.
At this point, the vanguard of the magicians burst into the room and destroys the guards. Guards are killed, they hide in the corners, at the same places are servants. Their eyes express horror. The Beardie and Swan left alone. The Beardie is snorting and making strange noises, his eyes filled with hate and despair.
They appear on the edge of the Tower. And now, Swan took out a Khopesh from behind his back -
“Do you recognize it?”
The Khopesh buzzed and glowed. Swan holds it handle upwards so that the blade bottom edge straights forward. The Beardie in horror begins to back away from Swan. Swan pulls the beard, and with one movement from the bottom up cut off. The Beardie by inertia start to fall back and is thrown through a balustrade.
He starts to fall down. The video camera flies along with him. He falls on the rocks and only the dirty spot of mucus remains from him. Arcane 16 Tower.

Swan finished watching the falling from the top. He turned around – the beard is still alive and moves. He picked up the beard and tossed it into the fireplace where it has flashed with bright flame. The beard hisses and twists in the fire.
At this time the rests of fights still proceed on Tower floors. From its windows – loopholes now and then the soldiers fall out and with  shout fall down. Somewhere in the secret tunnels, something is happening. The monks raise the very decrepit High Priest by the shoulders and lead him through the tunnels.They brought him to a lying Dragon and piled him of on back of the Dragon.
Then they open the door and the dragon takes off from the tunnel.  It was seen from the Tower.
“High Priest runs away!” -  One of magician has shouted. Diana, who was at the bottom, on the battlefield, whistled and a unicorn with wings immediately appears.
She masterly jumped on it and rushed in pursuit of the Dragon. They are flying, the Unicorn catches up, the Dragon tries to vomit a flame, but the Unicorn dodges. It is smaller and more maneuverable. The High Priest clinging to its back and looks with fear at their pursuers.

Finally, after several maneuvers, Unicorn picked speed up and stretching his neck, pierced the dragon in the side with his horn. The dragon began to wave his wings randomly and turning fell to the ground. When it fell, the High Priest fell down from it and rolled on the ground. Lada flew up, got over him and rose a spear over him.
“This is for the death of the White Queen!”, - and pinned him to the ground with a spear. He as an insect, pinned on the needle, for some more time moved his limbs and then died, spread his arms in a form of a black cross. From above it will look like black Run of  Death.

Finn opens his eyes – “Now my game begins.”

The next shot - Finn lies on the earth, as though having embraced her.
He whispers – “Mother the Earth, give me Forces.”
Then he gets up and pulls out the hammer straight from the earth puts it on his right shoulder and disappears. And at the very same time, he appears in a hall of the High Priest. There is everything quiet, but traces of the battle, but audible sounds of the battle are outside and above. He was not paying attention to it at all, quickly and quietly goes to the throne of High Priest and easily with his left hand opens a secret door. He goes the same way as the High Priest. And he went to the same place where the tent was standing.
From it on all sides are ropes of the web which has captured all Globe.
Finn slightly jumps up, as the sportsman before the start, runs up and on the run starts to untwist the Hammer on the right side. When he rushes in the Tent, the Hammer appears over his head, and he crushes the entire impact force on the breast of the Konung.
The figure scatters into thousands of small splinters. The slowed down shot of scattering splinters. The Earth shook as if an earthquake occurred. Then, everything is silent and dust starts to settle. Suddenly, the main thick hose behind the Throne starts to twitch as if someone was moving on it. And from behind the curtain, The Shamakhan Queen appears.  Arcane 17 Star.
She slowly goes forward and sees all this slowly passes forward and sees the whole debacle.
«I made a little mess here» - says Finn, as if apologizing.
The Shamakhan Queen has passed the throne, indifferently looked at splinters and has started talking, already in a normal female deep voice, but all the same – with an accent.
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Ah, this Konung…. He was not capable of anything. He had to immediately be neutralized in order not to do any stupid things.”
Finn -
“You had before a different voice, more exotic.”
The Shamakhan Queen -
“I become more human.”
Finn -
“Yes, after absorption so many human Souls – you became more human. Your deputies slaved away.”
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Ah, these rude, greedy bumpkins – they began to do what I did not order them! - arrange wars among themselves, divide nations and people … I wanted for a long time to get rid of them…”
Finn -
“Yes, right now there is a vacant place here” -  Finn dropped rest of the garbage from the Throne, brushed away dust and carelessly sat on it.
«What an interesting cap» - said Finn and picked up a cap with the All-seeing eye, then he threw it away.
The Shamakhan Queen -
“It could be yours. Yes, I have long ago been looking for a ruler like you!” - The Shamakhan Queen began to tempt him, - “you are wise and strong, just think how much you can do on this throne! You will destroy all evil on the Earth, restore a balance of Nature, people under your control will live happily! I am not going to interfere! I promise!»
And she began slowly walking around the Throne as she did it earlier with the Konung.
“Yes, this is a tempting offer” - answered Finn, as if unaware of her maneuvers.
The Shamakhan Queen -
“You will the best God ever in the history of mankind! You will be honored and glorify and becauseof fear, but because they will sincerely love you!”
She has already appeared behind the Throne and has already started to turn into the female-spider. She has grown three more pairs of paws and began to grow chelicerae of her mouth.

The Shamakhan Queen -
“My share - only for some twenty percent of the total turnover of the human souls. Eighty percents will be yours. These are very good conditions! Your predecessors worked for a much lower percentage!”
And then, when she was ready to plunge them into the skill of Finn, he easily jumped off the throne and took a couple steps forward, not looking back.
Finn -
“But you know … it is not my level”.
The female-spider returned again into the form of the  Human. He sits at the table, and she sits across from him.
The Shamakhan Queen -
“Yes, I agree. I tested you. It is really not your level. The majority on your place would agree. But you are not the majority. I am ready to give you the higher creature. I have one vacant position of the Director of Security Service in my Empire … Think, what your new prospects will be!
Finn -
“Yes, but I am a Person, and you are a very different kind of tribe. Will we work well together?”
The Shamakhan Queen -
«Nonsense! In our levels, this does not matter! From which life form you have started your career. The main thing is the Power and Strength!”
Finn -
“You see, when I said that this is not my level, I did not mean a high position in your Empire … My level  - is YOU!!!”
She understood at once that game is over, and sharply and briefly said – “You can't kill me. Before you, there were heroes who already sprayed on atoms. And you, during our last audience, I remember, haven’t shown miracles of heroism. You have escaped from my embrace and ran….”
Finn -
“But I haven't spent in vain all this time. All these 12 thousand years that you are here,  I have studied your habits”.
She has laughed, leaning back -
“Ha-ha-ha, how flattering - such close attention to my personality …”
And at the last sound one of her hand turned into a lance (a sword which wields Terminator number 2) and made a devastating lightning piercing blow.
But Finn was ready and the blow hit his shield. The blade cuts it and stopped about a millimeter from his heart. They have jumped aside from each other to different corners. The Shamakhan Queen with each moment is becoming more and more the Female-spider. While she was pulling her paw-sword out of the shield, Finn got a chance - to pull out from behind, two samurai swords. A super fight begins.

According to the plan, a super fight should be better than anything else that was before in cinema. The idea is the Queen is already at 90 % the Female-spider, and she fights with 4 top limbs which turn into peaks-swords, sharp sickles, axes – halberds. And she strikes blows at a breakneck pace.
And Finn beats her strokes, wielding two swords at the same incredible pace. But he has an advantage because he can move his arms in deferent directions and he is more mobile, while the Female-spider strikes basically crescent and pricking blows.
They shredded in instant magnificent luxury of the tent, the very heated fight was continuing. She forced him outside the tent, and now the fight continues in the open space. She is almost in 1,5 times higher than him, but he is evasive and making a twisting-body feint, he cut the lower limb.
She turned around on the spot as the wounded spiders do. He managed to cut her another upper limb. Then she falls from side to side, rushes into the tent, knocking everything on her way, and disappeares behind the curtain.  But Finn did not stop!
Finn quickly runs and dives, jumpes into a portal, which is almost closed.

The note. The further scene occurs in the Astral, not in physical space. It is arranged a bit differently, so a number of physical laws there either operate differently or don't operate at all. However, the author makes the assumption that gravitation of Black Holes operates also on Astral objects.  In the Astral space, there is dim blue light. The black hole does not look in the Astral the same as in physical space. Here it is not seen at all, only heated gases around it are visible. In the Astral, it looks as the black small sun surrounded by shining burned down matter, which is drawn by gravitation.

Arcane 18 Moon. Inside it there, was a huge ellipsoidal tunnel, stretching into space, stretching hoses and pipes along with it. Finn only managed to see the fleeing away Female-Spider, when a web was thrown on him. 

Hundreds of black shaggy spiders of different size began to throw a cobweb on him, clung to him from all sides, and soon he was swaddled, and they continued to shoot the web at him. It seemed that everything was over. But suddenly this cocoon is cut from inside with sharp as the razor, knives, and axes. They move from the inside in different directions and cut the cobwebs to shreds.
When all networks fell, it turns out that Finn was not there, and instead of him, there was a tangle of axes directed to all sides. This terrible machine begins to rotate and dissect as a chopper everything within range and moves with great speed.
All spiders that were nearby were ripped and shredded. Their paws, heads are scattered in different directions.  Spiders from different directions rush to this ball of axes, but only moving limbs are left from them. When the majority of spiders have been destroyed, Finn has again regained his human form and making a giant stride, started to chase the Female-spider.
They run for a long time. She stumbles, because without two limbs, her run is not smooth, she is thrown from side to side.
They run into inside an intermediate station.

When Finn rushed inside the station, the Female-spider has shot at him a web from her glands. The web was twisted around the Finn.
“You are caught” - again a sepulchral voice the Female spider has triumphantly growled – “nobody was able to break my web.”
“We will see – who caught whom” - silently to himself said, Finn.
The Female-spider began to chase Finn on all these pipes, and he escapes from her and reels up a heavy-duty web on all these designs.
For now, it is absolutely unclear why he does it. He looks all time somewhere downwards. He was already almost caught, but he suddenly jumps down as on the bungee and flies quickly head down to the Black Sun. It is impenetrable black disk surrounded by a glowing crown.
When he flies to that object, he starts to fly over it on parabola path and the web starts to be drawn to this Black Sun. First slowly, then instantly the web starts to be pulled inside.
“Welcome to the Blackhole, madam” - Finn managed to whisper before the Black Hole started promptly drew him too. He tries to cut the spider thread, but no avail. He is rapidly speeding, falls beyond the horizon of events and disappears from the view.
The web is rapidly moving in and drags the entire structure. The terrible sounds of torn titanic construction, as the sounds similar to how "Titanic" in Cameron's film broke in two pieces.
The Female-spider, seeing this horror picture and realizing the danger, threw her own web and started frantically running away from the Black Hole.
She jumps from a pipe to a pipe. From all corners of the space, at one point, a huge spider’s web, a huge constructions structure, the whole worlds are pulled together, and all that interfere with her several time. She is knocked down, she jumps again, but in vain - another tube drags her along with it and all of that fall into the Black Hole.

It can be seen how from all directions web is pulled in with a monstrous gravitation, all web was wrapped around an orbit, and a few moments later hanging out in a shape of a dark ball of threads, then the Black Hole sharply absorbs in all of this and dropping of all this substance leads to a blinding flash. That is all.

We see the Tower again. Arcane 19  the Sun.

The battle has already ended. Swan and some magicians are inside the tower. There is a monstrous iron gate in the Tower. There are crosses, half moons, pentagrams on the gates.
An option: on the shutters of the gates there are three-dimensional images of spiders and crosses, pentagrams are on sides of the gates.
Magicians hardly push a huge shutter, and the gate creaked heavily opened.
They go inside, there is the round, dark stone hall on the perimeter of which there are many similar gates, but only smaller. They open a shutter at one of the gates. The gate creaked open.
They looked inside and were terrified by the view of the infinite darkness  - a basement all is filled with human bones and skulls. The video camera flies over this cemetery and no end is visible. There are millions of skeletons here. Many of them have already decayed. There are cobwebs and dust everywhere.  They open the next gate and see the same dreadful picture.  Behind the next gate is the same terrifying picture.
They opened almost all the gates and there are skeletons and bones everywhere. Finally, they open the last gate and see - a basement infinite dark, which is crowded, tightly packed like sardines, with people. Actually, only grey faces are visible, full of the horror and suffering. They are silent.
Someone shouted - "There are living people!"
When the gate opened, all of them began to turn to the light and with fear or hope to look at the figures which have appeared in rays of light. A moment silence. Swan and the magicians are shocked by what they see. People in the basement are motionless and wait for what comes next. Then Swan lifted the Horn with which he called The Beardie into the battle and blew again.
The basement walls began to shake. And then the front-men in the basement leaned forward. And when they began to step over the threshold, they began to turn into swans and pigeons. And they began to fly up to the sky. And this stream seems to be endless.

This stream displaced Swan and his companions outside, and they are fascinated to look at this wave of the life. Millions of birds, a wide stream literally poured out of the basement and soar up in the sky. Arcane 20 Revival.

One of them, having soared up, has suddenly turned back and has flown up to Swan. And here we already see the Tsarevna. She rushes to embrace Swan. He hugs her.  At this time the clouds begin to dissipate, and a ray of the Sun flashed.

The top floors of the Tower still, there were servants. They thrash on these floors without knowing what to do. They fall on their knees, cry out to God, tear their clothes, and tear their hair.
An exterior shot: everybody who participated in the battle is standing on the mountain near the Tower.
Down at the very foundation of the Tower, there are two magicians, the man and the woman, young and beautiful, holding together a small pine log, rocking the black stone from the foundation. This is the Cornerstone. When it finally fell out, they were rapidly running away from the Tower because it's beginning to fall. The Tower cracked somewhere in the middle.
Then there were more and more cracks, and the Tower top began to fall vertically downwards.  And the falling is steeper and steeper.  Finally, the top has fallen down and buried the entire tower from which there was only a giant pile of fragments and dust left.

Swan is on the horseback, holding 3in his arms comes to his native home. He gets down, takes off The Bride from the horseback, and together they go to the house. His Mother goes to meet them. She hugs him -
“You are back!”
Then she embraces them both. Near them, the dog named Sokolko happily barking and running around them.

The final.
The continuation or development of  Arcane 21 The Universe.

There is a huge gathering of people. Everybody is joyful, happy, many of them have wreaths made of flowers and grass on their heads. Swan puts on a ring on a finger of his Bride. They embrace.
The celebration begins here. These are Irish dances. Musicians play, dancers dance, dashingly, fiercely, magically. Dancing girls hair is loose. Here there is Swan with the Tsarevna and magicians who participated in the fight. Lots of people of different nations. In the middle of it there is the Throne madw of plants and flowers on which Mother Bella sits.
We see the Irish dances from the spectators eyes. They look at dances, we see only their heads. And suddenly, we notice a familiar silhouette. Is this Finn or not? This person joyfully claps to dancers’ movements, but we do not see the face of the person.

Finally apotheosis. The video camera rises high and we see a panorama of the beautiful Earth.
Announcer’s voice :
«Never betray a Mother who has given birth to you!»
The Title  – " The End"…
The next title  –


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